Translation of the open letter to the president of the republic His
Excellency Mohamed ould Abd el Aziz :
The tourism in Adrar occupies a very important place in the life of
the population of the region, because and from the beginning of the
years ninety the tourism has create thousands of jobs, better still
cities as Chinguetti relived favor has the development of this
From the year 2007 and the events, which followed one another, after
the murder of peaceful French tourists to Aleg, these events which
benefited from a not very innocent overexposure, the tourism had a
free fall: cancellation of Paris Dakar, cancellation of the majority
of the charter flights scheduled for Mauritania! Nobody more wants to
come in Mauritania: it is the mauriphobia! Or rather nobody more
dares to defy the instructions of the Quai d'Orsay: all the north
part (tourist zone by excellence) is in the Red Zone !
The sector sinks into the lethargy: inns closed their doors, rental
agencies, guides, cooks, camel drivers, craftsmen, and the sellers do
not have work anymore, the natives leave the old cities in a massive
exodus towards the big centers of attention … the situation is
However we can only congratulate ourselves on praiseworthy measures
begun in the field of the reassurance of the national territory and
we ask that they are strengthened and strengthened for the safety and
the good to be populations generally and the development of the
sector of the tourism in particular.
Atar on November 21st, 2010
The national association of the Saharan guides
The national federation of tourism section of Adrar
The regional federation of the crafts and the jobs in Adrar
Grouping of travel agencies in Adrar
Grouping of inns in Adrar
Grouping of the camel drivers of the Adrar
Grouping of the cooks of the Adrar